Friday, August 23, 2013

August 26-30
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at
You can enter your email address to subscribe to my blog.  You will receive an email each time I add a new more having to remember to check the blog.  The blog will come to you in your email.
Thank you to those who have already brought in the $5.00 for Time for Kids (as a reading supplement this year).  If you have not already done so, and are able, please send this in as soon as possible so that subscriptions can be ordered.
Camp forms went home this past week.  Parents, if you have not received them, please ask your child to check their cubbie for them.  The forms and payment are due Sept. 20.  If they will need to take ANY medication while at camp, they will need to have the physicians form signed.  Please do not wait until the last minute to do this.  This can sometimes take time to get all medical forms filled out and signed. 
Camp fundraiser!!!  We are so lucky this year to have an opportunity to offset the cost of camp.  Mrs. Pellicano has so graciously organized a See's Candy fundraiser for the 6th grade.  We are selling See's candy bars for $2, and the 6th grade profits $1.25 from each bar sold.  We are asking each 6th grader to sell a minimum of 1 case (24 bars), but PLEASE try to sell more. If each student does this, it will decrease each student's cost by $29.  The more we sell, the less parents will have to pay for camp.  Let's all work together on this.  All money raised will go together and then be equally distributed to equally offset each family's camp fee.  As a junior high parent who just had this expense last year, I know how this time of year can get expensive, and so appreciate Mrs. Pellicano's help with making camp more affordable for all of our 6th grade families this year.  She will be at open house in the auditorium to distribute candy to the 6th graders.  She will have all information to hand out on Sunday.  Please plan to attend this Sunday, August 25.  Classrooms are open 11AM - 1PM, and there is a lunch in the auditorium until 2PM.  During this time you can ask any questions of Holly Pellicano, pick up your candy to sell, and also purchase any candy if you wish.  A note was also sent home yesterday.  You can also email Holly at
Religion 6th grade

Monday-faith journal-copy the Our Father

 saints of our names

Tuesday-faith journal-What does it mean to do service? 
watch service video
Wednesday-handwriting practice p. 10-11, finish video

Thursday: Bible Search

Friday- song practice


English 6th grade-

Monday-vocabulary-flashcards unit 2, grammar:  p. 18-19

Tuesday-magazine writing-review of book or movie, 3 paragraphs--details given in class. grammar p. 43

Wednesday-completing the sentence unit 2, grammar p. 20-21, 44

Thursday-p. 22-23, 45, spelling sentences for 10 words

Friday-magazine writing:  interviews due Tuesday


Reading 6th grade

Monday-silent reading, Wicked

Tuesday-silent reading, continue with Wizard of Oz, library

 Wednesday-silent reading, Wizard of Oz project due Friday, read with kinder buddies

Thursday-silent reading, begin reading short story: "Your 3 Minutes Are Up"

Friday-silent reading, finish short story
8th grade English

Monday-grammar p. 24-25 #1-14, p. 47 #1-15, vocab. completing the sentence unit 1
Tuesday-library, synonyms/antonyms unit 1, grammar p. 26-27
Wednesday--choosing the right word aloud, writing:  persuasive letters--rough drafts due Thursday
Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests-unit 1,
Currently August rough draft worksheet
Friday-Currently August final drafts

8th grade Reading

Monday-silent reading, Miracle Worker

Tuesday-silent reading, Miracle Worker

Wednesday-silent reading, Miracle Worker

Thursday-silent reading,  Miracle Worker

Friday-silent reading, Miracle Worker