Friday, April 29, 2016

May 2-6

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 -6th grade Religion

Monday-family life--read and discuss p. 16-17, do worksheet p. 18-19

Wednesday-family life --learning about genetics--genetics "monster" packet, please bring a coin for this activity

Thursday-Bible Search

Friday-Mass and May crowning
English-6th grade

Monday-flashcards unit 15,
 grammar p. 290-292 aloud

Tuesday-TFK help wanted ad
grammar: p. 311 all

Wednesday-completing the sentence unit 15
grammar :  p. 293 all, p. 312 #1-15

Thursday-synonyms/antonyms unit 15
grammar:  p. 294-295

Friday-grandparents day activities, vocab. bingo
Reading-6th grade

Monday-silent reading
 class novel Flying Solo

Tuesday-silent reading
Flying Solo

Wednesday-silent reading
Flying Solo

Thursday-silent reading
read to kinders

Friday-silent reading
Time for Kids.

flashcards unit 15
Romeo and Juliet read Act 4, scene 1 and take notes

Currently May
Romeo and Juliet Act 4 scene 2 and notes

8th Grade book covers due!

Wednesday-Romeo and Juliet Act 4 scenes 3,4,5 and notes

Thursday-Romeo adn Juliet Act 4 questions, read Act 5 scene 1

Friday-grandparents' day

Reading--8th grade

This week we will work on building castles.  Castle Day is Tuesday, May 10.  This is the culminating event for our study of Romeo and Juliet.  The 7th graders will add to our Castle Day by providing booths with games.  You are welcome to attend.  It will begin at 9:00 AM.  Students will need to dress up in appropriate costumes (princesses, queens, princes, kings.)  Girls can wear long dresses (check at Goodwill).  Their shoulders must be covered, so they may need to wear sweaters or shrugs.  Boys can wear long sleeve button down white shirts with baseball pants and socks.  Tablecloths work well as capes.  Also, I will be sending home a note about providing snacks for this event.  The entire school, including preschool, will attend, so we will need lots of refreshments.  I am asking each 8th grader to bring in 2 ten packs of capri suns and one bag of circus cookies.  If you cannot find circus cookies, other cookies are fine.  Thank you for supporting this event.