Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April 12

I apologize for not having the blog up and running for this week.  I had minor surgery last Wednesday.  I am recovering well, but am still trying to get everything caught up.  I returned to work this week, but unfortunately my grades are not yet caught up.  I hope to get everything graded and entered this weekend, and also have the blog ready to go for next week.  Thank you for your prayers and understanding.

Spring program:  The spring program is next Wednesday, April 20 at 6:30PM in the auditorium.  The students will need to arrive at the classroom by 6:15PM.  Please have them wear bright and colorful clothes.  We are performing Supercal from Mary Poppins.  It should look bright, colorful, fun, and zany.  They can also include polka dots, stripes, suspenders, etc.

Lunch this Friday:  This is a 6th grade lunch.  We are in need of parent volunteers to help.  Please let me or Veronica Jasso know if you are able to help.

Thank you,
Mrs. Lorenzi