Friday, August 30, 2013

September 2-6
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at
You can enter your email address to subscribe to my blog.  You will receive an email each time I add a new more having to remember to check the blog.  The blog will come to you in your email.
Camp forms went home this past week.  Parents, if you have not received them, please ask your child to check their cubbie for them.  The forms and payment are due Sept. 20.  If they will need to take ANY medication while at camp, they will need to have the physicians form signed.  Please do not wait until the last minute to do this.  This can sometimes take time to get all medical forms filled out and signed. 
Camp fundraiser!!! We are off to a great start.  Keep selling!  Thanks for all your hard work!
Religion 6th grade

Monday-no school

Tuesday-handwriting p. 12-13, saints for our names
Wednesday-faith journal:  p. 27 in religion book, read and discuss p. 27-30

Thursday: Bible Search,  Bring a St. Vincent lunch tomorrow!

Friday- Mass


English 6th grade-

Monday-no school

Tuesday-hand motions for vocabulary, spelling baseball

Wednesday-p. 24-25 #1-5 together, #6-10 homework, spelling baseball

Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests, p. 28 together

Friday-p. 29 #1-12, (1-6 together), vocab. bingo


Reading 6th grade

Monday-no school

Tuesday-silent reading, library, Wicked
I will give out book worksheets.  These will help to prepare for their test on Sept. 10.  The worksheet is extra credit, and if completed, can be used as notes during the essay test.

 Wednesday-silent reading, read to kinders

Thursday-silent reading, begin reading class novel, The Great Brain

Friday-silent reading, The Great Brain
8th grade English

Monday-no school
Tuesday-library, book test
Wednesday--completing the sentence unit 2, grammar:  p. 28-29 together, homework:  p. 49
Thursday-no spelling/vocab. tests this week since it's a short week
grammar:  p. 31-32 together, p. 33 #19-25 for homework
Friday-Newspapers due!
vocab. bingo

8th grade Reading

Monday-no school

Tuesday-silent reading, flashcards unit 2

Wednesday-silent reading, Miracle Worker

Thursday-silent reading,  Miracle Worker

Friday-no reading due to schedule for minimum day