Friday, August 29, 2014

September 1-5
We are off to a great start!  A special welcome to our 6 new students and their families.  We are so glad to have them join the OLM family!
Free dress: There will be free dress for $1 on Friday, August 29.  Please refer to the handbook for appropriate free dress guidelines.  The money will go to the SPCA.  A note was sent home with more details regarding the raffle to win a lunch with Mercy.
Weekly progress reports:  The first weekly progress report was sent home on Monday, August 25.  Due to the holiday, the next one, will be sent home on September 2.  Some students already have missing work.  It is much better to get the students back on track now, rather than waiting until later in the quarter.  For some of these students, I have already had parents helping me to get their children back on the right track.  I appreciate your help in making sure that students complete and turn in all homework.  If we work together (teacher and parent) it is highly effective in fixing the problem of missing work.  Thank you again for your support!  To those who have no missing work....awesome are off to a great start!
Thank you so much to the Van Pelts for donating new paintbrushes for art!  We can't wait to create some masterpieces!
Music grades:  Music grades are based on participation, not ability.  We have a regular all school song practice every Friday, as well as a weekly music class (each class separately) with Mr. Dimsey.  Students also receive music grades when we prepare music for programs, prayer services, or Masses.  If  you see Mr. Dimsey, be sure to thank him for sharing his musical talent with us (in addition to teaching computers).  We are so lucky to have him on our staff.  We are now able to have individual class music practices.  We have not had this in quite a while.  The kids seem to enjoy it, as he also sings contemporary Christian music.  Let him know the blessing he is to our school!  Thank you Mr. Dimsey!
Mr. Faraone has also been a great addition. He shares his athletic ability with our students through coaching and teaching PE, in addition to teaching computers.  Be sure to tell him that we appreciate the extra time he dedicates to our students!  Thank you Mr. Faraone!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at

6th grade Religion

Monday-no school

Tuesday-handwriting practice

finish video about servie

Wednesday-handwriting practice
practice for upcoming prayer services at Emeritus and Hampshire

Thursday-Please bring your Bibles
Bible search

Friday-Mass---no uniform shorts
It is our week to provide sack lunches for St. Vincent de Paul.  Remember this is a religion assignment.  The best lessons in religion put your faith into action.  You may bring more than one lunch for extra credit.


6th Grade English
Monday-no school

Tuesday-choosing the right word unit 2, grammar:  p. 22-23, 45

Wednesday-write table of contents for magazine
All magazine rough drafts will be given back in class.  The final project is due typed on September 10.  You can get extra credit by turning it in on September 5

Spelling baseball to prepare for tomorrow's tests

Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 2

Friday-p. 26-27, vocab. bingo


Reading 6th grade

Monday-no school

Tuesday-silent reading
Flicka movie

Wednesday-silent reading

library, practice essay questions about Flicka

Thursday-silent reading

read to kinders

Friday-silent reading, Time for Kids (if it arrives)
essay question about conflicts in the story (Flicka)

8th Grade English
Monday-no school

completing the sentence unit 1
writing:  lifestyle article #2

Wednesday-synonyms/antonyms unit 1 on paper
choosing the right word-aloud
grammar practice

Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 1
flashcards unit 2

Friday-writing:  teen article #1 due Tuesday
turn in on Monday for 10 points extra credit

8th Grade Reading

Monday-no school

Tuesday-silent reading
book worksheet to prepare for next week's test
Miracle Worker

Wednesday-silent reading

 Miracle Worker

Thursday-silent reading

Miracle Worker

Friday-no class due to minimum day schedule

Monday, August 25, 2014

6th grade updates:

Just a few reminders for the week...
Picture days are Wednesday and Thursday.  We do not know which day will be our picture day.  Usually we are on Thursday.  
Reading Class:  Thank you so much to those who have already sent in the $5 for the Time for Kids subscription.  This is a one time fee for the whole year.  If you have not already done so, and are able, please send this in as soon as possible.


The first weekly progress reports were sent home on Monday, August 25.  Please note that these are not the official progress reports that are used for determining sports eligibility.  However, they do provide a good idea of how your child is currently doing.  I find it works better to know about missing and late work as soon as possible....before the real progress reports or report cards.  This way students and parents are aware and can work on whatever is necessary to improve their grades.   Parents, please sign your child's weekly progress report and have them return it the following day (Tuesday).  If it is not returned he/she will receive a red card each day until it is returned.  

As always, thank you for your support!

Mrs. Lorenzi

Friday, August 22, 2014

Welcome to 6th grade! 

August 25-29
We are off to a great start!  A special welcome to our 6 new students and their families.  We are so glad to have them join the OLM family!
Free dress: There will be free dress for $1 on Friday, August 29.  Please refer to the handbook for appropriate free dress guidelines.  The money will go to the SPCA.  A note was sent home with more details regarding the raffle to win a lunch with Mercy.
Planners:  Parents, please, please do not sign blank planners.  This defeats the purpose of the planners.  The process with the planners is really three-fold. First, it is the student's responsibility to fill out the planner with the daily homework.  Secondly, the parent should check that this has been done.  After the child has completed the homework, the parent should sign the planner.  Third, the teacher checks the planner the following day to see that the student wrote down the homework and that the parent signed the planner.  If there is no homework (perhaps on a Friday), the student should still write "no homework," and the parent should sign confirming this.  If all parts of this process are in place, the planners are a highly effective tool to teach the students organization, time management, and responsibility. 

If your child brings you a blank planner to sign, please have them fill it out, then go over it with them to see that all homework is completed.  Then sign the planner.  My policy is that if a planner is not signed, or if it is signed with nothing written down, the student receives a red card.  If they get 5 red cards in a 2 week period, a detention will be issued.  I stress to them that getting one red card is not "the end of the world," but simply a reminder to do it next time.  I know we all forget from time to time, and it is a learning process.  That is why the detention comes after 5 occurrences.  Please help me to guide your children to success, by helping with this process. 
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at
You can enter your email address to subscribe to my blog.  You should enter your email in the box on the right of this blog.  you will then receive a confirmation email with a link to click on in order to confirm your subscription to the blog.  You will receive an email each time I add a new more having to remember to check the blog.  The blog will come to you in your email.

6th grade Religion

You will see some things repeated on this week's blog from last week.  We didn't get to some of the items last week.
Monday-faith journal:  p. 35 parts B and C, p. 36 part D
textbook:  p. 39-42
Tuesday-handwriting practice
Bible triviaWednesday-Why is it important to do service? How can you do service?
watch:  Oprah ambassadors about service
Thursday-Please bring your Bibles
Bible search
Friday-song practice


6th Grade English
Monday-flashcards unit 2
grammar:  p. 18-19 aloud
Tuesday-writing-feature story for magazine, hand motions for vocab.
Wednesday-grammar p. 43 #1-14
writing:  interview for magazine
Thursday-synonyms/antonyms unit 2, grammar: p. 20-21  
Friday-p. 44 #1-14, vocab. bingo


Reading 6th grade

Monday-silent reading
story:  Flicka,
practice essay question

Tuesday-silent reading

Flicka questions

Wednesday-silent reading

library, completing the sentence unit 2, Flicka movie

Thursday-silent reading

read to kinders

Friday-silent reading, continue Flicka movie

8th Grade English
Monday-p. 22-23 #1-28, vocab. "diagnostic" test in book

lifestyle article for newspapers
grammar:  p. 46 #1-16

Wednesday-grammar:  p. 24-25 #1-14, watch clip from Miracle Worker

Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests
flashcards unit 1-due Tuesday

Friday-p. 47 #1-15, vocab. bingo

8th Grade Reading

Monday-silent reading

Miracle Worker intro and handout

Tuesday-silent reading
Miracle Worker

Wednesday-silent reading

 Miracle Worker

Thursday-silent reading

Miracle Worker or writing

Friday-silent reading
Miracle Worker

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Update for the week of August 18

There will be no homework help or study hall on Thursday, August 21. The teachers have a faculty meeting after school.  We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Welcome to 6th grade! 

August 18-22
We are off to a great start!  I am looking forward to an awesome year!
A note will be sent home regarding homework help.  Mrs. Wennberg will have homework help for 6th graders on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Mrs. Lorenzi will have homework help for 6th graders on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Homework help is primarily for math, as we have found this to be the subject that requires the most additional help for 6th graders.  Homework help can also be arranged for other subjects as needed.  For students who do not need extra help, but would like a quiet place to do their homework, Mrs. Keeler will be offering a silent study hall Mondays-
Thursdays for all junior high students.  Homework help and study hall are 2:30-3:30.  Students should be picked up promptly at the classroom and signed out.  Please be mindful that students need to be picked up on time, as teachers sometimes have appointments scheduled.  Students who are not picked up on time will be sent to extended care and the appropriate fee will be charged.  Thank you so much for your cooperation in this matter!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at
You can enter your email address to subscribe to my blog.  You should enter your email in the box on the right of this blog.  you will then receive a confirmation email with a link to click on in order to confirm your subscription to the blog.  You will receive an email each time I add a new more having to remember to check the blog.  The blog will come to you in your email.
6th grade parents:  If you have not already done so, please purchase a New American Bible in the office.  The students will use these on a weekly basis throughout junior high. 
Thank you to Mrs. Crawford for volunteering to make our cupcakes for the Blessed Mother's birthday on September 8.
Safe Environment training:  All parents who wish to volunteer to drive on field trips, go to camp, work in the classroom, etc. will need to be trained for safe environment.  Those of you who plan to go to camp or who have signed up to drive, should attend a safe environment training as soon as possible.  I know Mrs. Blackburn has scheduled several training meetings; the next one is scheduled for Tuesday, August 19 at 6PM.  Please note, children are not able to attend this meeting.

6th grade Religion

Monday-faith journal:  How often do you pray?  Why?  When?  Where?  (We did not get to this last week due to the rally) 
Create your own saint drawings

Tuesday-faith journal:  Who are your models of faith?
Textbook:  p. 29-33  read and discuss

Wednesday-faith journal:  p. 35 parts B and C, p. 36 part D
Textbook:  p. 39-42 read and discuss

Thursday-Please bring your Bibles
Bible search

Friday-song practice


6th Grade English
Monday-"I Am" poems--rough drafts, vocab.:  choosing the right word unit 1

Tuesday-vocab.:  synonyms/antonyms unit 1, spelling baseball to prepare for Tuesday's tests

Wednesday-"I Am" poems-final drafts, finish spelling baseball

Thursday-Unit 1 spelling/vocab. tests

Students need to know the spelling, definitions, and parts of speech for all unit 1 words.  The flashcards made in class are a great study tool.  Also, "A+ Spelling" App is great for studying for spelling tests.  
grammar:  p. 16-17 all, p. 42 #1-18
Friday-Story Cubes-creative writing in groups


Reading 6th grade

Monday-silent reading

magazine:  feature story

Tuesday-silent reading

begin reading short story "Flicka"

Wednesday-silent reading

read to kindergarten

Thursday-silent reading

magazine:  review

Friday-silent reading, continue "Flicka"

8th Grade English
Monday-writing:  2nd article for front page of newspaper-rough draft

grammar:  p. 14-15 aloud

Tuesday-Typed Bio Paragraph due

grammar:  p. 42 #1-16
spelling baseball

Wednesday-newspaper:  lifestyle article
grammar:  p. 16-17 #1-8 together, #9-24 homework

Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests

grammar:  p 18-19 all, p. 44 #1-18

Friday-Miracle Worker vocabulary due Tuesday

grammar: p. 20-21

8th Grade Reading

Monday-silent reading

Flowers for Algernon discussion questions

Tuesday-silent reading

Flowers for Algernon quiz

Wednesday-silent reading

Begin reading Miracle Worker
Miracle Worker worksheet

Thursday-silent reading

Miracle Worker

Friday-Flowers for Algernon essay test

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Welcome to 6th grade! 

August 11-15
Welcome to 6th grade!  I am looking forward to a great year!  Please remember to also check Mrs. Tyler's and Mrs. Wennberg's blogs.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at
You can enter your email address to subscribe to my blog.  You will receive an email each time I add a new more having to remember to check the blog.  The blog will come to you in your email.
No shorts are allowed on Monday and Friday, August 11 and 15, as these are Mass days this week.
The Back to School dance will be held this Friday, August 15, 2:30-5:00 PM in the auditorium for all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.  Plan on should be fun!  The student council officers will be announcing details.
Safe Environment training:  All parents who wish to volunteer to drive on field trips, go to camp, work in the classroom, etc. will need to be trained for safe environment.  Those of you who plan to go to camp or who have signed up to drive, should attend a safe environment training as soon as possible.  I know Mrs. Blackburn has scheduled several training meetings; the next one is scheduled for Tuesday, August 19 at 6PM.  Please note, children are not able to attend this meeting.
 Volunteer needed:  I would like to have a parent volunteer to make cupcakes or some other special treat to celebrate the Blessed Mother's birthday.  Her birthday is on September 8.  We will also be saying a Rosary in our classroom (I am sure the Blessed Mother prefers prayers to cupcakes.)  I would like the cupcakes for the students to celebrate with a special snack at recess.  Please let me know if you would like to provide this.  You can earn volunteer hours for your time.  What a fun and easy way to earn hours!
 Sports Meeting:  There will be a meeting on Thursday, August 14 at 6:00 PM with Mrs. Blackburn in the auditorium.  All students (and a parent) should attend who plan on participating in the sports program this year.  This includes:  boys soccer, girls volleyball, boys and girls basketball, boys baseball, and girls softball.  Track will have a separate meeting later in the year.  Please contact Mrs. Blackburn if you plan on playing sports, but will not be able to attend the meeting. 

6th grade Religion

Monday-no changing classes today....Following Mass, students will stay in their homeroom to go over procedures.

Tuesday-faith journal:  What does it mean to be Catholic?  What does it mean to be part of a family?  What does it mean to be part of OLM School? 
Textbook:  p. 8-12  read and discuss

Wednesday-handwriting practice, create your own saints

Thursday-faith journal:  How do you pray?  Why?  When?  Where?
Bible search



6th Grade English
Monday-rules and classroom procedures

Tuesday-magazine project----all details will be given in class...don't worry...this is a fun one!
writing:  letter to the editor and answer

Wednesday-vocab. unit 1, begin books, explain tests, flashcards unit 1

Thursday-completing the sentence unit 1-begin together
writing:  descriptive paragraphs
Friday-grammar p. 14-15 #1-32, vocab. bingo


Reading 6th grade

Monday-class rules and procedures

Tuesday-discuss independent reading requirements-- a note will be sent home to be signed
Please bring a silent reading book by Friday.

Begin reading short story

Wednesday-finish story from Tuesday, begin essay question writing to prepare for book tests

Thursday-continue writing descriptive paragraphs

Friday-silent reading, continue essay question writing

8th Grade English
Monday-rules and class procedures in homeroom

Tuesday-explain newspaper project
  Group work on newspaper planning sheet

Wednesday-Vocab. words, work on newspapers

Thursday-work on newspapers

Friday-vocab. bingo

8th Grade Reading

Monday-homeroom for rules and procedures

Tuesday-begin "Flowers for  Algernon"
permission slip for movie Charly will be sent home

Wednesday-independent reading requirements--note to sign
Please bring a silent reading book by Friday
continue with "Flowers for Algernon"

Thursday-"Flowers for Algernon"

Friday-silent reading, movie:  Charly