Friday, August 29, 2014

September 1-5
We are off to a great start!  A special welcome to our 6 new students and their families.  We are so glad to have them join the OLM family!
Free dress: There will be free dress for $1 on Friday, August 29.  Please refer to the handbook for appropriate free dress guidelines.  The money will go to the SPCA.  A note was sent home with more details regarding the raffle to win a lunch with Mercy.
Weekly progress reports:  The first weekly progress report was sent home on Monday, August 25.  Due to the holiday, the next one, will be sent home on September 2.  Some students already have missing work.  It is much better to get the students back on track now, rather than waiting until later in the quarter.  For some of these students, I have already had parents helping me to get their children back on the right track.  I appreciate your help in making sure that students complete and turn in all homework.  If we work together (teacher and parent) it is highly effective in fixing the problem of missing work.  Thank you again for your support!  To those who have no missing work....awesome are off to a great start!
Thank you so much to the Van Pelts for donating new paintbrushes for art!  We can't wait to create some masterpieces!
Music grades:  Music grades are based on participation, not ability.  We have a regular all school song practice every Friday, as well as a weekly music class (each class separately) with Mr. Dimsey.  Students also receive music grades when we prepare music for programs, prayer services, or Masses.  If  you see Mr. Dimsey, be sure to thank him for sharing his musical talent with us (in addition to teaching computers).  We are so lucky to have him on our staff.  We are now able to have individual class music practices.  We have not had this in quite a while.  The kids seem to enjoy it, as he also sings contemporary Christian music.  Let him know the blessing he is to our school!  Thank you Mr. Dimsey!
Mr. Faraone has also been a great addition. He shares his athletic ability with our students through coaching and teaching PE, in addition to teaching computers.  Be sure to tell him that we appreciate the extra time he dedicates to our students!  Thank you Mr. Faraone!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at

6th grade Religion

Monday-no school

Tuesday-handwriting practice

finish video about servie

Wednesday-handwriting practice
practice for upcoming prayer services at Emeritus and Hampshire

Thursday-Please bring your Bibles
Bible search

Friday-Mass---no uniform shorts
It is our week to provide sack lunches for St. Vincent de Paul.  Remember this is a religion assignment.  The best lessons in religion put your faith into action.  You may bring more than one lunch for extra credit.


6th Grade English
Monday-no school

Tuesday-choosing the right word unit 2, grammar:  p. 22-23, 45

Wednesday-write table of contents for magazine
All magazine rough drafts will be given back in class.  The final project is due typed on September 10.  You can get extra credit by turning it in on September 5

Spelling baseball to prepare for tomorrow's tests

Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 2

Friday-p. 26-27, vocab. bingo


Reading 6th grade

Monday-no school

Tuesday-silent reading
Flicka movie

Wednesday-silent reading

library, practice essay questions about Flicka

Thursday-silent reading

read to kinders

Friday-silent reading, Time for Kids (if it arrives)
essay question about conflicts in the story (Flicka)

8th Grade English
Monday-no school

completing the sentence unit 1
writing:  lifestyle article #2

Wednesday-synonyms/antonyms unit 1 on paper
choosing the right word-aloud
grammar practice

Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 1
flashcards unit 2

Friday-writing:  teen article #1 due Tuesday
turn in on Monday for 10 points extra credit

8th Grade Reading

Monday-no school

Tuesday-silent reading
book worksheet to prepare for next week's test
Miracle Worker

Wednesday-silent reading

 Miracle Worker

Thursday-silent reading

Miracle Worker

Friday-no class due to minimum day schedule