Friday, September 05, 2014

September 8-12

Weekly progress reports:  Weekly progress reports will not be sent home on Monday, September 8 since the official school progress reports will be sent home on Friday, September 12.  The sixth graders have already received 2 progress reports from me to help them to see how they are doing.  These official school progress reports are used to determine sports eligibility.  Remember, students need a C- or better in academics and a B- or better in conduct and effort.  Many students have responded well to the weekly updates and have caught up on missing work; however, we still have a few who regularly turn in missing work.  Let's improve on this!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at

6th grade Mass--Our class is planning the Oct. 3 Blessing of the Animals Mass.  Please bring in photos of your pets for a class poster that will be brought up during the offertory at Mass.  I will need these pictures by Friday, September 12.  Also, we need a parent to volunteer to make the poster.  This is a great way to earn hours while at home.  Please let me know if you are interested in helping in this way. 
Your help is needed:  Our classroom is in need of Magic Erasers.  They are the white sponge-like ones made by "Mr. Clean" or Up & Up Target brand, found in the cleaning section of the store.  We use one of these each week on our wipe off boards (which no longer erase easily).  If you are able and would like to donate 1 or 2, it would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

6th grade Religion

Monday-Happy Birthday Blessed Mother!  Thank you to Mrs. Crawford for providing the cupcakes.  We will also say a Rosary in class to honor this special day. 

Faith journal:  What kinds of sacrifices do people make for you?
textbook:  p. 44, 51-53

Tuesday-make cards for residents at Emeritus and Hampshire, text:  p. 54-57

Wednesday-handwriting practice
practice for upcoming prayer services at Emeritus and Hampshire

Thursday-Please bring your Bibles

faith journal:  p. 59
Bible search

Friday-Mass---song practice
It is not our week to provide sack lunches for St. Vincent de Paul, but there are still many hungry people, including children, in our community.  Bring lunches for extra credit in religion.


6th Grade English
Monday-flashcards unit 3, grammar p.28, 48

Tuesday-grammar:  p. 29, 30
writing: limericks

Wednesday-Magazine project due today!

completing the sentence unit 3, grammar p. 31, 32

Thursday-syn/ant unit 3,
read poem "One" about September 11

Friday-prayer services at Emeritus and Hampshire


Reading 6th grade

Monday-silent reading, start a class novel Flying Solo

Tuesday-silent reading, book worksheet to prepare for next week's book test, Flying Solo

Wednesday-silent reading


Thursday-silent reading

read to kinders

Friday-silent reading, Time for Kids

8th Grade English--

8th graders, I am so pleased with the articles you have been turning in for your newspapers!  Keep up the good writing!

Monday-completing the sentence unit 1, begin Constitution essay--rough draft due Wednesday

Tuesday-library-new books
syn/ant. unit 2

Wednesday-choosing the right word unit 2
grammar:  p.28-30 #1-20, p. 49

Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 2
grammar:  p. 31-33 #1-18 together, 19-25 independently

Friday-flashcards unit 3 due Tuesday

8th Grade Reading

Monday-silent reading, Miracle Worker

Tuesday-Book Test---bring your worksheet to help is extra credit if it is completed!

Wednesday-silent reading

 Miracle Worker movie

Thursday-silent reading
Miracle Worker movie

Friday-silent reading
Miracle Worker