Friday, March 21, 2014

March 24-28

   If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at

Please bring canned, boxed, or bagged food for our "food fight" class competition.  It will be a fun competition between classes and also collect much needed food for Catholic Charities.  Thank you to the 7th grade for organizing this event for Lent. 

There will be no homework help this week due to parent-teacher conferences.
6th Grade Religion
Monday-no class due to minimum day schedule

Tuesday-faith journal:  Stations of the Cross, Lent worksheets

Wednesday-Class Rosary for Lent, Bible Trivia

Thursday- Bible Search

Friday-no class due to minimum day schedule
6th Grade English
Monday-watch 8th grade dinner show performance
Tuesday-flashcards unit 14

Wednesday-completing the sentence unit 14, grammar : p. 218-219

Thursday-no class due to minimum day schedule

Friday-grammar : p. 247, vocab. bingo

6th Grade Reading
Monday-watch 8th grade dinner show performance

Tuesday-library, visit Book Fair

Wednesday-no class due to minimum day schedule

Thursday-silent reading, Time for Kids

Friday-silent reading, Time for Kids

8th Grade English
Monday-synonyms/antonyms unit 15, finish Anne Frank movie

Tuesday-book fair, Anne Frank study guide

Wednesday-no class due to minimum day schedule

Thursday-spelling/vocab. tests unit 15, grammar p. 163

Friday-writing:  OLM memory, grammar p. 193
8th Grade Reading
Monday-finish Anne Frank movie
Tuesday- no class due to minimum day schedule

Wednesday-Anne Frank Test

Thursday-silent read, Begin Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare worksheet

Friday-silent read, Romeo and Juliet