Friday, September 14, 2012

September 17-21

Because official school progress reports were sent out on Friday, September 14, I will not be sending out my usual weekly progress reports on Monday Sept. 17. These official progress reports do affect sports eligibility.

Upcoming October Mass: As is our tradition, our school will be celebrating the Blessing of the Animals Mass on the Feast of St. Francis on October 4. Students will be allowed to have their pets brought to the Mass. Our class, along with our kindergarten buddies will be in charge of planning this special Mass. I would like to have a poster of pet pictures for the offertory. If you have pictures of your pets that you would like included, please send them in by Friday, September 21. The pictures can be copied and returned to you. Also, I am in need of a parent volunteer who would like to make this poster for our class. What a great way to earn volunteer hours!
This week will be ITBS.  Parents please make sure your child is well rested and eats breakfast each morning.  It helps them to stay focused for testing.  Also, due to testing I will not be giving homework this week.  Book worksheets will be due on Sept. 21.  They have been given class time.  It may need to be finished up at home, or during some free time this week.  We will not be taking the originally planned book test due to ITBS this week.  Instead, this book worksheet will count as their test grade in reading.  We will test each morning until 11:35.  Following testing, we will have in class activities/ lessons.  Many thanks to Mrs. d'Escoto for organizing our healthy snacks for testing week.  Also many thanks to Mrs. Arandia, Mrs. Felsinger, Mrs. Little, Dr. Moran, Mrs. Capulong, Mrs. Scheuerman, and Mrs. Wright for providing the snacks.  Also, thank you to Mrs. Hobbs for taking on all the organization for our room parents.  I apologize if I have overlooked anyone who has helped; it is not intentional.  Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

** These snacks are of course optional for your child.  If your child would prefer they can bring their own snack as usual.  If they have food allergies, it might be a good idea to have their own snack on hand. 
Camp forms are due Wednesday, Sept. 19

Religion 6th grade




Thursday:  faith journal:  Choose a saint from your chart and write a paragraph about him/her.  Text:  p. 27-34

Friday-song practice


English 6th grade-




Thursday-choosing the right word aloud, vocab. bingo
Friday-grammar: p. 22-23 aloud, Time for Kids

Many students have turned in their magazines early.  Thank you for being so responsible.  The projects look great.  If you have not yet turned yours in, they are due on September 18.

Reading 6th grade




Thursday-silent reading, read short story "Your 3 Minutes are Up"

Friday-silent reading, Time for Kids

English 8th grade--in-class activities/lessons in the afternoons following testing






Reading 8th grade




